Monday, March 10, 2008

Week two of Junior Carpenters!

A problem that I have faced big time is that our group (Me,(Michael) E'monnyie and Bradley) have been having a little trouble communicating with each other. For example today someone in my group (Not saying names) said that another person was yelling at them when they were asking, not yelling. Another example is that someone told another person to shut up. to over come these things we went to a teacher and talked about for 5 minutes about what we could do and we came up with, no yelling being polite and not to be bossy. My favorite part of the day for me was the painting, this was the most fun for me because I actually was able to get down and covered with paint and have a ton of fun with my friends. It was also fun because we got to do our own designs, so we could pretty much do any thing that is school appropriate on it. In the end our Corn Hole board looked outstanding!

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