Thursday, March 13, 2008

Two week Reflection

In our first week, like I have told you in other Blogs Will and Larry came in and talked about carpentry. In the second week of Junior Carpenters My group completely re-painted one of our board because it was not at its best, in other words it was not exactly professional. So in the end of re-painting our board it is now blue and yellow and looks so much more professionally done. Also this week we finished sewing the actual Corn Bags that we toss into the corn hole, but we had only played on round and the corn bags started to break open which made the corn come out. Oh no! And thanks to Ms. Smith (Michael F.'s grandma) we did get them sewn. She also came in really late so we were really lucky! For the GaGa Pit I painted my name in it even though I did not do much work on it we still thought that every body should have there name on it so that every body would know who was in the Junior Carpenters. Today all we did was play GaGa And a little bit of Corn Hole. And the most fun part of this whole inter-session was being able to use the mitre saw because when you push down and cut it makes you feel like you have a lot of power and it is just really fun, but dangerous. Tomorrow we will be presenting our work to the whole school and it will officially be open to the public!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Junior carpenters day two of second week!

If you were to find the height and width for 27 2''x4'' first for the height it would be 27 by 2'' and that is 54'' (4' 6'') so the height would be 54''. For the width it would be 27 by 4'' and that is 108'' (9'), so the width would be 108''. So if there was an actual box the height and width would be 54''x108''. The biggest challenge that I faced today is when we were finally able to tape we had to tape every bump and crack so it would be perfect and we still have not finished. The steps that we took to over come this were that we first had to take our time then get more tape and than hopefully it will be done tomorrow. Our work plan tomorrow is to finish taping ever detail and paint them in in white pain the put the piano hinges on a piece of plywood then attach it to the main piece of plywood and then our Corn Hole board will be done.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Week two of Junior Carpenters!

A problem that I have faced big time is that our group (Me,(Michael) E'monnyie and Bradley) have been having a little trouble communicating with each other. For example today someone in my group (Not saying names) said that another person was yelling at them when they were asking, not yelling. Another example is that someone told another person to shut up. to over come these things we went to a teacher and talked about for 5 minutes about what we could do and we came up with, no yelling being polite and not to be bossy. My favorite part of the day for me was the painting, this was the most fun for me because I actually was able to get down and covered with paint and have a ton of fun with my friends. It was also fun because we got to do our own designs, so we could pretty much do any thing that is school appropriate on it. In the end our Corn Hole board looked outstanding!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Junior Carpenters Review

Part of this week we I came across a challenge, this challenge was when we had to drill a hole for the bean bags. The hole is supposed to be 6'', but the drill we had was only a 4'' drill and the teacher said that we had to sand the rest down with a piece of sand paper. That would take a while. So in the mean time we sanded the rest of our board, then will (guy who chopped of 3 fingers) came by and asked if we needed any thing from the store and we said yes we need a 6'' drill head so a half hour later he came back with one and we could not drill a bigger whole i ours because the head had no where to attach on to so everybody else could drill a whole that was going to be perfect when we had to use a Jigsaw to make an okay circle. An accomplishment I had this week was when me and my group and finished nailing both boards and cut one of our holes for our boards, another thing is that we finished our paint color list for what paint we need. I am proud of this because it means that we are a little ahead of the game and not have to do as much. The next step in completing this project is painting our boards, to get there Mr.Shulman is going to get the paint we need this weekend, so we can make our designs full of color!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

junior carpenters 3-day reflection

In our group I am really proud because we have finished cutting, so now all we have to do is nail and paint. i forgot to mention that we still have to cut a whole for the corn bags to go through, so we can actually play the game. Also we did a great job measuring, we probably measured at least 8 times too make sure it was perfect. some of the times we metered the teachers measured it so it was even more preside.It was amazing we were so good at the cutting we only had two mistakes which meant we only had to cut 2 extra times! which wasn't a big deal because it also only took 5 extra minutes. To practice cutting we used hand saws which were a little hard to use and they were slow which meant it took a little longer to cut. when we actually were stating to build we used a saw called a Mitre saw which is a saw that has a circle blade and that is powered by electricity and to cut all you do is push on the lever then push down on the handle which makes it cut in the wood. using a hand saw probably takes about 5 to 10 minutes to cut through but a Mitre saw it only takes about 10 seconds. One bad thing about the Mitre saw is that it very dangerous, well most saws are anyway. One thing that was very helpful were Larry Roseinstock and Mr.Will. Mr.Will works at High Tech Middle Media Arts as a carpenter and as a person who fixes broken things and today March 8, 2008 he talked about how safety is number one when working with a Mitre saw and how he cut three of his fingers off when he was using a Mitre saw and not paying attention and when he first taught his crew how to use a Mitre saw he lectured them for 16 hours about how safety is number 1! like I said also Larry came in who is the fonder of the High Tech High village. he talked about how he build his own bungalow in the canyon by his house. To build it he first built the stairs down to the canyon which took about a year then he build a platform at the bottom of the canyon which took another year, then he build the frame of the bungalow which took another year then at last he finished the bungalow, exterior and interior which also took a year. so in total it took 4 years to build his bungalow and it cost only 11,000 dollars. He also taught us about tools and what they do and what they are called. for example he told us about a nail gun and that some nail guns use 16 penny nails. Lastly he told us a story about the nail gun, the story goes like this a guy had a nail gun hooked on his pants and of course he had his finger on the trigger, by the way this guy was on a latter. Then another guy walks under the guy with the nail gun and the guy on the latter accidentally pulled the trigger and a 16 penny nail when in the guys head. this person is still alive but he is not as good as math as he was before the accident and you have to be really good at math to do carpentry.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

second day of junior carpenters!

Today when we were measuring our lumber something that came up was that we had had a lot of measurements that were supposed to be 8 feet. But instead of being 8 feet it was 2/16 more than what it was regularly supposed to be. something that I noticed that looked hard in the future was the cutting because like i said some measurements were not correct so we may have a uneven cut in our wood. If I had to teach someone how to use a saw I would say to look directly at where the saw is so you go faster cutting a and also to have someone holding the wood so id does not slip out and you cut your self with the saw. and one really good thing to remember when cutting is to wear your safety goggles so when cutting you do not get the fur in your eyes, because then you could not see and that would be very bad! I am not able to answer the last question because i was not in class.

Monday, March 3, 2008

junior carpenters

Today in class we learned what the difference between a section view and a plan view is.The answer to that is that a section view is a side view of something or a section of a side, a plan view is the top view of something like a birds eye view. another thing we did today is do a safety skit and mine was about that you should where goggles so that fur does not get in your eyes. something else we did today is learn the difference between Japanese saw and an American saw. the answer to that is that an American saw when you push it forward it cuts but when you pull out it does not cut. But on a Japanese saw when you push forward it does not cut but when you pull back it does. The quote "measure twice, cut once" means that you should do every thing you do for prep twice so when you do the real work you get it right and it is a good thing to do because if you mess up you are wasting a lot of wood.